[Influence Series] Why emotion > logic ?

+ an unethical life lesson

(Read time: 2 minutes)

Growing up, I was awful in school.

Not in grades, but behaviour.

I got suspended many times, was a frequent bully, and often broke the rules just to break them.

When I was in the 3rd grade, everyone collected Yu-Gi-Oh cards.

You know, the cards with duel monsters:

One recess I saw there was a kid, let’s call him Kevin, that had a card. This card was a special one I was missing from my deck.

So what did I do?

Easy. I stole it from him.

There was a confrontation on the playground, but like most kids he went and told our teacher (we were in the same class).

Our teacher stood us together and asked what happened.

Kevin told the truth – that I stole his card.

Me? I lied – spun together some BS story about how I didn’t steal his card, he actually must’ve just lost it.

Kevin’s word against mine.

Who did the teacher believe?


Our teacher liked me. I attended his chess club sessions every Wednesday and I always performed well in class.

Kevin? Not so much.

So when it came down to it, the teacher chose to believe me.

And just like that, I walked away with a free Yu-Gi-Oh card and a valuable (if ethically questionable) lesson about human psychology:

People are more likely to say "yes" to those they like.

It's not rocket science, right? We all prefer to do business with people we enjoy being around.

Relating this back to business…

If you’re like me, your DMs have been riddled with these cold DMs:

Pure shotgun approach. Hey, if it works, it works… but I doubt it does.

What I’ve learned from mentors is that the best prospecting is not about high volume, straight pitches.

And I’ve seen through action that building relationships and a network is more powerful.

When people already know, like, and trust you, they’re more likely to say yes.

Build liking first.


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  3. If you’re running a B2B business with a consistent source of traffic and you’d like to convert your impressions into cash, you can book a call with me here.

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