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  • [Influence Series] Why humans are stupid (& how to profit from it)

[Influence Series] Why humans are stupid (& how to profit from it)

Promise me you'll use this wisely...

(Read time: 5 minutes)

Hey, Andrew here.

In today’s issue we’ll go over:

  • The 5-point formula to transform your “pig” offer into one that sells like clockwork

  • How to turn risk-averse, “maybe” buyers into your best customers

  • 5 simple ways to use scarcity so you can (ethically) print money

Let’s get into it.

Copywriting Tip of the Day

A great offer can save bad copy, but great copy can’t save a bad offer.

You can put lipstick on a pig, but it’s still a pig.

So if you want to take your pig and turn it into a Thoroughbred Racehorse…

(…yes, I did google “what's the most valuable animal in the world?”)

Use this 5-point naming formula:

M-A-G-I-C Headline Formula

  • Magnet = Make a Magnetic Reason

  • Avatar = Announce the Avatar

  • Goal = Give them a Goal

  • Interval = Indicate the Time Interval

  • Container = Complete with a Container Word

Include at least 3/5 of these in your next offer. Bonus points if you make it rhyme, alliterative, or both.


  • Tightness? $1 Massage New Client Summer Special

  • Free Six-Week Lean-By-Halloween Challenge

  • 5 Clients in 5 Days Blueprint

Why Humans Are Stupid (& How To Profit from it)

Remember when toilet paper sold out in 2020?

Grown adults wrestling over the last pack of Charmin Ultra Soft in the bathroom aisle.

Yeah… humans are stupid sometimes.

But you and me? We’re above that.

Not quite.

This frenzy wasn't because people needed toilet paper.

It sold out because it tapped into something much deeper.
Something hardwired into our caveman brains:


Back when we were picking berries and running from saber-tooth tigers, scarcity meant survival.

Fast forward a few millennia, and we're still operating on that same primitive software.

Here’s how you can ethically use that to print money:

Why Use Scarcity

Let's get real for a sec.

Many of your prospects are sitting on the fence, twiddling their thumbs, waiting for... who knows what? 

It's not their fault. Humans are naturally risk-averse.

But here's the thing:

If you have a good product or service that can GENUINELY help people, it's your duty to sell the shit out of it.

"If you believe your product or service can fulfill a true need, it's your moral obligation to sell it."

Zig Ziglar

So what is scarcity?

Put simply: people want more of those things they can have less of.

There are two types of scarcity you can leverage:

  1. Scarcity of time (aka urgency)

  2. Scarcity of quantity

Cialdini's research found that of these two, limited quantity outperforms limited time.


Because limited quantity introduces an element of competition. Suddenly, it's not just about getting a good deal – it's about beating others to the punch.

How To Use Scarcity To Print $$$

Now, before you go slapping "LIMITED TIME OFFER!!!" on everything, let's talk about how to use scarcity ethically and effectively.

Here are some strategies to get your prospects off the fence and into your client list:

  1. Limit capacity: "Only taking on 5 new clients this month!"

  2. Create a bonus with limited supply: "First 10 sign-ups get a free strategy session!"

  3. Run seasonal promotions: From Christmas deals to New Year specials to Valentine's Day offers. The calendar is your friend.

  4. Use exploding opportunities: "I'm raising my prices next month. Lock in the current rate if you book this week!"

  5. Implement an 'open cart' period for your info products: Create buzz by only opening enrollment for a limited time.

And be genuine about it.

When you fake scarcity, you lower your standards - it’s a crutch.

Instead, raise your standards. Create real scarcity, craft a better offer, stay ethical.

Ever wondered why we're more likely to follow someone in a uniform or with a string of letters after their name?

Stay tuned for the next email, where we'll dive into another fascinating principle of influence, Authority.


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